Web Site Notice
This web site contains general information about our firm, Pietzsch Law Group, P.A. (“PLG”), for clients, potential clients, and other interested parties. This web site is offered solely for informational purposes. The information provided in this web site is not intended to create or promote an attorney-client relationship with PLG or any of its individual attorneys or personnel, and does not constitute and should not be relied upon as legal advice. It is not intended to seek professional employment in any state where lawyers in the firm are not admitted to practice, or in any state where this web site would not comply with applicable requirements concerning advertisements and solicitations.
We intend to make every attempt to keep this information current. We do not promise or guarantee, however, that the information is current, complete or correct, and Internet subscribers and on-line readers should not act based upon this information without seeking professional counsel from an attorney admitted to practice in your location.
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